Our goal with PoppieCases is to provide bomb phone cases in chic, one of a kind designs that match whatever mood or outfit you're feeling for the day, everyday. Our cases aren't just for looks– they're durable and offer maximum protection for your phone regardless of whatever drops and bumps you may encounter in your daily life.

PoppieCases was born in late 2021 after quarantine restrictions were lifted and many people began relearning the art of living after nearly a year in isolation. Our founder, a then seventeen year old Billie Hollan, grew up diagnosed with chronic depression and had found it increasingly difficult to adjust back into normal life after everything she had experienced in the span of a few months. Encouraged by her mother to express her emotions in whatever way she could, Billie took to illustration during darker days to relax and process her thoughts. It quickly became a hobby. After a friend saw her designs and joked that she should post her works on the internet, Billie started PoppieCases with the intent of creating standout cases that could encompass how she felt and wanted to feel, and make others feel stronger and unafraid to live their lives brighter and bolder, pops of color and loud fonts included.

Our favorite case set, The Standout Collection, is Billie's first set of illustrations.